SaaS bundling combines related tools into packages for added value and convenience. Learn about its benefits, types, pricing strategies, and examples for success.
SaaS Average Selling Price (ASP) measures the average revenue per customer. Learn how to calculate ASP, optimize pricing strategies, and increase revenue with effective tactics.
Click depth measures how many clicks it takes to reach a page from the homepage. Learn why it matters for SEO and UX, and discover tips to optimize your site.
SaaS product usage rate measures user engagement and feature adoption. Learn its importance, metrics, and strategies to improve retention and customer satisfaction.
Reciprocal links are mutual backlinks between websites. Learn how to use them effectively for SEO, their pros and cons, and best practices to avoid penalties.
A manual penalty in SEO occurs when Google flags a website for violating guidelines. Learn its impact, recovery steps, and how to prevent it with best practices.
A Proof of Concept (PoC) in SaaS tests the feasibility of a solution, validating its technical and market potential. Learn its steps, benefits, and best practices.
Trust Flow measures website trustworthiness based on backlink quality. Learn how this Majestic metric works, its impact on SEO, and strategies to improve your score